Monday, July 30, 2012

the first box i didn't know i checked

we often hear it described as one of those days when you just KNOW your life is changed forever.  the whole earth-shattering event that you’ll never forget, the stars aligning, the angels singing, the whole world cheering your name and throwing flowers on stage—on YOUR stage—cueing you into your once in a life time event; telling you “pay attention NOW, you won’t wanna miss this!”

well. sorry to disappoint.

but this is NOT one of those stories. 
not even close.

i first remember meeting him after sacrament meeting.  in his pink button up shirt, artfully tailored slacks, and with those rim-less glasses that screamed "smart"—but more in a social than academic way—he was definitely someone to remember.  but after a short “hey, nice talk” and exchange of names, i quickly categorized him into my “attractive but too cool to need any more friends” box. and that was it.

we never spoke again.