Friday, October 23, 2015

day eight: be charitable and day nine: be social

(I'm a little behind, so we'll to a few days in one)

it's halloween time! we BOOed a couple families in our ward (since we were BOOed a few nights ago).  I love knowing that someone thought of me/my family enough to bring us treats, so that's what we passed on.  I know it wasn't a big act of service, but I think sometimes the most important things we can do is just help other people around us feel noticed and included.

to be honest, I kept forgetting to do this challenge--but I have been trying to talk more to people when I'm out.  I've chatted with store clerks more, people who are shopping in areas around me, etc.  It's actually easier to do now that I have a baby, because a lot of times she provides really good ice breaking topics like "hey how old is your baby?  Oh, cool, mine is almost a year too!"  or if she makes a funny noise or face or waves at someone it's almost like I have to talk to them haha.  I like this, because it is nice to interact with other humans more often, and because it's nice to have something to chat about.  Similarly to what I mentioned above, it's nice just to be noticed by the people around me, so hopefully by increasing my interactions with others I can brighten their day a little bit too.

joyful mommy moment:

my family is in town, and it has been so fun to see Ivy through someone else's eyes.  She has been really giggly and easy going with all the attention she's getting from my family.  I hope that she will always be close to my family and Andrew's family because it's good for her to feel a bigger love and support system around her.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

day seven: be positive

I have an interesting relationship with "positive motivational phrases" mantra for childbirth was "my body was MADE to do this!  This is what women do!".  and then after 31 hours, my body apparently WASN'T made to do this so...there's that.  but here's to trying something for a second time ;)  but i'm actually just going to steal a quote from Tolstoy:

i love this. I've always had this on my wall, so now I have to do more thinking about why i love it.  and heres a thought: this can be read two different ways.  one: its about your attitude. you choose if you want to be happy and then do it.  happiness is a choice.  two: we exist to be happy and happiness is found in simply existing.  i like this because it reminds me of the scripture that says "men are that they might have joy".  this is the whole reason of our existence. looooove it.

joyful mommy moment:

Ivy has started playing peek-a-boo with me when i put her down to bed.  I tuck her in and then she lifts the covers over her face and pops them back down and laughs.  she likes me to kiss both her hands holding the blankets before she settles in for bed.  these are things I never want to forget.

day six: be healthy

so glad this was the challenge today because Monday's are the worst days for going to the gym.  But I did it!  I did weights because in training for my 10K, my knees have been a little titchy (meaning sore and a little swollen sometimes after my longer runs).  A few weeks ago I started doing leg weights once or twice a week at the gym and it has made me knee pain almost non-existant!  Yay for good recommendations on running from the husband.  I'm so glad that i've made this goal and that i'm going for it.  This has been a great year of change for me--a few friends and I had babies around the same time in Seattle and we trained for a 5K together about 4 months after our babies were born.  Now, here I am about to do a 10K (on November 7th).  AND IM RUNNING THE WHOLE THING. I know. it's crazy to think how far I've come.  I will probably talk about this more later, but taking care of my body and exercising has been a huge help to me mentally.  That's probably the biggest thing that keeps me going.  It's my natural Prozac ;)

joyful mommy moment:

watching Ivy watch a dog play with a plastic cup.  we had a lovely night over at our new friends house--the Neads.  She made us delicious soup and cookies, and our daughters play pretty well together (theirs is 17 months).  But the highlight, of course, was their dog.  Ivy just can't get enough of little dogs she sees, and she was hysterically laughing as this dog chewed on a cup, growled, and threw it around the room.  Andrew says this is proof we need a dog...but I just think having friends with dogs is even better--Ivy gets exposure to them and has something to look forward to when we go over--and I dont have to do any of the training or dirty work.  It's a win-win really.  But, seriously, her laugh.  Makes me so excited for Christmas when she will have two BIG dogs to play with at Grandma Lisa and Papa Fluckiger's house :)  It seems that I have a happiest moments tend to be when Ivy has her happiest moments...hmmm. Imagine that.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

day five: be fearless

I think it's fair to say i spent much more than 20 minutes doing something "fearless" and faith strengthening today.  I gave a talk in sacrament meeting today, which I nervously spent last week preparing, then I taught my sunday school lesson.  Later this afternoon, I spent some time preparing my sunday school lesson for next week and studying my patriarchal blessing.  It's a recent thing for Sundays to be so full of scripture study for me, and I must say that I'm liking it.  We've always had relaxing Sundays and often go on family walks, but adding in some extra scripture study is really refreshing.  I'm still working on improving my personal scripture study during the week--meaning I read my scriptures maybe once a week--and I know I have a long way to go, but I've learned that it's important for me to take it one step at a time.  When I create a huge to do list, it tends to take me backwards because I feel awful when I'm not able to stick to all the million things i want to change.  Our stake (and church in general) have really been pushing the Sabbath day, so I decided that's something that I can start with.  And to be honest, as nervous and not excited I was about being called to be a sunday school teacher, I have been very grateful these last few weeks because it gives me a starting point for my scripture studies.  I feel like I have a lot of fear and anxiety these days, but making these steps to have more faith and faith building activities in my life brings great peace when I remember (and make time) to do them.  I will include my talk at the end of this post, because I have never worked so hard and put so much thought into a talk before and I'm very proud of it.  I also seem to have made a great impression on a lot of people in our ward--which has been helpful for making new friends in Spokane already.

my joyful mommy moment today:

I washed our comforter yesterday and had hung it up to dry overnight.  I layed it on the ground to pick off some lint before putting it back on our bed and Ivy crawled over to me, so we spent some time playing on it together.  She has found new enjoyment in laying her head down on soft things, so we took turns copying each other flopping down on the soft blanket and laughing.  I loved laying my head next to her and watching her feel the soft blanket and find herself funny while dramatically stroking it and snuggling into the ground.  She's growing and changing and really becoming her own little person and I love being a part of that.

My talk: on living a Christ-centered life.

One week before my daughter was born, we arrived home to our apartment in Seattle to discover that we had been robbed.  Missing were all 3 of our computers, our ipods, all of my jewelry, and, worst of all, my engagement ring.  We knew we lived in a sketchier area of town, with homeless camps on every other corner, and my husband had actually seen a homeless woman leaving with our stuff.  I was in a panic, not only for the loss of our monetary items, but with feeling so violated and helpless.  We were poor students, living off med school loans, and not feeling ready to bring our child into this unfair, terrifying, mean world.  I was sad and afraid, but mostly I was so angry and it consumed me. For weeks afterwards, I couldn’t see a homeless person without this intense wave of anger washing over me--anger that I felt was justified.  How dare THEY come into our home and take things of such great value!  We don’t have much either!

After our daughter was born, I struggled with post-pardom depression and couldn’t seem to figure out how to be happy again.  Not only were we adjusting to parenting on small amounts of sleep, but my husband was right in middle of his semester at school so I was often alone, and I had this fear of the world, mountains of insurance paperwork, and anger. So much anger.  Until one day, Andrew decided we needed something to change.  So we made dinner. We bought a flat of waterbottles and some cake at the grocery store. And walked down the street, with our newborn baby in my arms, to take dinner to the group of homeless people on our street corner.  

At the time, our stake theme was Ezekiel 34:16 “I will seek that which was lost, and bring again that which was driven away, and will bind up that which was broken, and will strengthen that which was sick.”  I was so busy staying inside myself, and feeding my “justified” anger to realize that the cure to my situation was the opposite of what I had been doing.  My husband showed me, that healing can only start to happen when we choose to emulate Christ and, as Elder Bednar stated, “[we must] look and reach outward when the natural and instinctive response is to be self-absorbed and turn inward.”  

When we talk about having a Christ centered life, it is really easy to create a to do list for ourselves: hang more pictures of the temple on our walls, spend more time reading our scriptures, make sure the house is clean by Saturday night so Sunday can truly be restful.  The list goes on and on.  And let me be clear, none of these things we might add to our list are wrong.  Much of this will help us to think more about our Savior.  But the key is to do things that actually help us BECOME like our Savior.  In order to emulate Christ, we have to remember what he spent his life doing--and that was specifically what he could do or be for others.  Thus our goal for a Christlike life, should also be what we can do or be FOR others, and much less on what we can do or be for ourselves.

President Uchdorf said, “What the Savior would want [is less about]...the programs or statistics..[it is] the condition of our heart.  He would want to know how we love and minister to those in our care, how we show our love to our spouse and family, and how we lighten their daily load.  And the Savior would want to know how you and I grow closer to Him and to our Heavenly Father.”  We grow closer to Christ by doing as he would--which is seeking the lost, binding the broken, and strengthening the sick.

Let’s reflect for a minute on the life of Christ, and more specifically who He spent his time with.  Who did he hang out with?  Yes, he had his disciples, but he also spent a considerable amount of his time with the outcasts of society.  Christ spent his ministry healing people of “their infirmities and plagues, and of evil spirits” (Luke 7:21) and to do any sort of healing and teaching, this obviously means he spent time with these people.  He ate dinner with the publicans and sinners (Mark 2:15), he taught the woman at the well--who was a Samaritan--an enemy to the Jews (John 4:27), he touched and healed and taught the lepers, the lame, the blind. Christ befriended everyone.  He broke down barriers between social class, status, gender, and cultures. Can the same be said of us?  Do we associate with the outcasts of society?  Matthew 9:12 says “it is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick”.  Christ is that doctor, and we are His church.  If we are to center our life on Christ, then we will center our life on serving His sick, His broken, His outcast.

So, what does this look like in our lives?  Who are the lost, the broken and the sick that we can touch?  What are the barriers that keep us from reaching out and touching those around us?  For me, I know barriers are most often something inside of me, keeping me from feeling totally comfortable associating with other people.  It’s either my pride or my insecurities.  I feel like someone is too put together, too pretty, or too good of a mom--and I’m intimidated.  Or it’s the opposite and I think that I can do better than get to know someone who’s life seems so different, or so out of line with my ideal.  But either way, the barrier between us is all about ME.  It’s about how I feel, its about what I think, its about what I want--these are all barriers that Christ didn’t have.  It was never about Him--it was always about the other person.  What did Christ get from eating with sinners?  How did He feel about touching a leper?  Those were questions He never asked, and things we would do well to emulate.  How can we care about, or even see the lost when all we can think about or see is ourselves.  

I previously mentioned our old stake theme of seeking the lost, binding the broken, and strengthening the sick.  Our ward participated in almost weekly service by providing meals, company and conversation to the homeless people in our area.  This was one group of “social outcasts” whom we could easily reach out to and strengthen.  Another group in need of our love were the gay and lesbian members in our community--both inside and outside the church.  Our stake president made it a point to personally speak to their specific struggles, and invite them to worship with us.  We attended sacrament meetings, firesides, and combined 3rd hour meetings devoted specifically to welcoming gay members, or hearing from gay members of their own journey within the church, how they may or may not have found peace, and how we can provide a supportive church community for them.  Our bishop wanted to fill our pews with gays, with smokers, with people struggling with addictions, and with sinners.  If we’re honest about it, our pews already ARE full of sinners.  We each have our own sins and struggles and that is exactly why we’re here--at a hospital for the sick.  Let us invite other sinners, ALL sinners, to be here with us.  To feel the love of Christ and to worship Him.

I found my new favorite quote about the character of Christ.  It says “Jesus didn’t require people to change BEFORE coming to Him.  He sought them out, met them where they were, and extended grace to them in their circumstances.  Change would come to those who accepted Christ, but it would be from the inside out.  Jesus knew better than anyone that the kindness of God leads sinners to repentance (Romans 2:4)”.  I’m here to testify that what we all need is a little more kindness.  A little more acceptance and love, and a little less judgment.  Who cares if I sin a little differently than you, a little bigger, a little more visibly.  

A Christ centered life asks us to greet each of our brothers and sisters with open arms and to welcome each other to worship our Lord in our own ways.  A Christ centered life is about breaking barriers, it’s about people and things OTHER than ourselves.  A Christ centered life isn’t easy.  Developing charity is work--and it is a gift.  I know that as we strive to think more about how we treat and love others, and as we pray for this desire, God will bless us with the gift of charity.  I know that Christ is our Savior, and our best example of a true friend.  I am so thankful for the other examples of friendship, acceptance, and love that I have in my life--and for the daily reminders that I can do better.  That I must do better.  That when the opportunity arises, I want to choose to go outside of my comfort zone to make life better, easier, for those around me.  And I’m forever grateful for the Atonement that gives me the chance to start over each time I still turn inward and think about myself instead (which is often).  Christ was the one who “went about doing good” (Acts 10:38).  I pray that we can all do the same.

day four: be mindful

today was the PERFECT day for a facebook fast.  last night i got sucked into a stupid troll feed about feminism and i seriously just couldnt handle it (bahhh. how can you rest when you know there's still stupid out there!!??).  anyway, a break from that drAma was magnificent.  not only that, but we had great plans for our Saturday and I feel like i was able to get more done and be more in the moment when I wasn't checking my phone every second to see what other people were up to.  i spent my day with my man and my babe and it was marvelous. for example:

check out this pie i made.

check out this farm we went to.

check out how happy my babe is all covered in dried peas.

(seriously though. best invention of all time. i don't know why this hasn't been a thing ever before)

and to top off the night i finally got my hairs did. by me. woot.

i've been trying to spend less time on facebook in my daily life anyway, so i'm hoping this can act like a re-set button for that.  i would love to spend more of my mommy time interacting with Ivy, or at least modeling behaviors that I want her to emulate (like cleaning the house, or reading a book) instead of being glued to my phone.  Andrew and I have set up a phone station across the room from our bed, so that when we get in bed at night to sleep we are off our phones completely.  That has been a huge help for our sleep hygiene and our relationship, and I'm thinking about doing something similar during the day to see how that influences me to be a more patient and attentive mom.

joyful mom moments abounded today!!  but really, all i need to do is refer you to the picture of Ivy above.  She could not get enough of these dried peas and they could not get enough of her.  She layed in them.  She wiggled in them.  She threw them. She tasted them. She spit them out.  She swallowed some.  She plopped in them.  She face-planted in them.  She laughed in them.  She made friends in them.  I can't wait to go back and watch her do it all again.  Seeing her discover the world around her is so invigorating.  It makes me want to squeeze her.  Which I do, of course.  Every chance I get.

Friday, October 16, 2015

day three: be happy

man. what a day to have #behappy as the goal. hah. one of those nightmarish days where you're it halloween yet??!! haha. whatever.

so, for my 30 minutes of something be I showered. and it probably wasn't a full 30 minutes, but it was silent. and it was baby free. and it was warm. and it was clean. this is definitely not something that I do every day, but I definitely (thanks to a husband who makes it a priority in my life) try to do SOMETHING each day that is just for me.  Sometimes my run for the day is the only me-time i get, or other times it's my shower (like today), but just to have at least 30 minutes alone, to think, reflect, and remember what it's like to be me as a person and not me as a mom, is sooo good for the soul.  on a good day, it will be reading a book, or painting, or crafting, or going out with a friend, but it's (almost) always refreshing.  It's been really important for my happiness to not loose myself in my mommyhood.  Which feels ironic, as my goal for this challenge is to discover the key to finding happiness and success in my mommyhood.  but both are important, i think.  both help me find a balance in the new me, with the old me.  not that the old me has to stay old--i'm totally open to finding new hobbies and things i enjoy (like running 5 miles now, which my old self would never have even dreamed).  i just mean the old me, as in me as a person with interests and hobbies and friends outside of my mommy-ness.

for my joyful mommy moment: (which also was not as easy to find today due to an overtired, busy, and *shh* constipated baby)

one of my favorite, weird mommy pleasures is rubbing my lips on Ivy's forehead.  people always talk about babies having really soft bums...right? like the phrase "soft as a baby's bottom"?  but seriously. let's talk about how soft and fuzzy Ivy's forehead is. yum. haha. anyway, today I remembered to rub my lips on her forehead while she drank her bottles (sometimes I forget how much I love it!).  I love how she smells (yes, even her little formula milky breaths haha), and when she's in my arms it's the perfect time to take a sniff of her baby shampooed hairs.  I won't let her grow up, so I still cradle her in my arms when she drinks her milk.  it's my favorite time to reconnect with my baby and to remember how much i love her despite whatever she was doing before (AND whatever she will do after) this precious moment. i think of when she was a baby and i could cradle her all the time. and i think of how i never want her to get any bigger--when she doesn't fit in my arms i will just die.  for a minute all is peaceful and she is my little tiny angel again.  so i rub my lips, and smell her hair...and then back to our day :)

Thursday, October 15, 2015

day two: be grateful #byuBEYOU

This showed up on instagram today:

This man. But seriously. I love who I am with him in my life. He is the kindest and most genuine person I know. He makes me better everyday because he believes in me and is teaching me to believe in myself. I'm grateful that I sat on that white froyo couch with you. #thosewereourbabyfaces #canyouevenrecognizehim#nobeardbutstillgreat #byuBEYOU 

What else can I say.  Not much really.  I'm so glad I got to marry my best friend and that we get to work together to raise our family and each other.  Maybe its crazy that it took me 22 years to meet him, but hey we have the rest of forever so I basically it was just a blink.  He's seen me at my worst and that's okay.  He makes me feel capable and strong and inspired.  Just because he's not afraid to be and do what he wants. and what he believes.  and wants EVERYONE else to do and be whatever makes them happy.  I love that. I need that.  It's not always that you find someone who doesn't care what the world thinks--he cares what you think about yourself.  Don't we all need a little more of that in our world?  Anyway, ya'll can meet him and share him with me...but just a little bit.  I'm greedy when it comes to my bae. 
As far as my joyful mommy moment goes: 
I love that we got one of those mirrors for the car--so I can see what Ivy's doing even in her backfacing carseat.  I like to watch her faces and expressions and reactions to the world around her.  A beautiful new song came on the radio--not a dance or rap song that we usually listen to while rockin our mommy daughter grocery runs.  As the ballad played, Ivy got her usual inquisitive face on and then started singing along.  not words, of course, but just cute humming noises, building along with the music.  Then she started clapping.  The we sang and clapped (and safely drove) all the way home.  I love watching her find joy in little things.  And learning new skills. And being my daughter.  

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Day one: Be Purposeful #byuBEYOU

Grace challenged me to start this "Be You" challenge with her and I thought it would be a perfect time to get a jumpstart on my blogging...again.  haha.  I could go on about how bad I've been at blogging since...well..always, but instead of that, lets just jump right in.  this challenge is about overcoming perfectionism and finding self-worth in my own happiness after all, and listing the reasons I've failed at consistently blogging doesn't seem like the best place to start.

My goal for these next 10 days will be this: to find something thing each day that makes me truly happy, BUT it has to be something simple.  Too often I find myself saying "well, today I feel good about myself because I checked off 4 things from my to-do list" or whatever.  My days as a mom are often defined as good or bad based on how productive I am able to be, despite whatever I'm doing that day.  But for these next 10 days I will find success and happiness and satisfaction in my day with something small and joyful.  I will describe this "joyful moment" each day and hopefully start a habit of finding joy in motherhood and in the sometimes monotonous days I live.  I think this is an important skill for me to develop because it's definitely something that has been the biggest change in my pre-mom to post-mom life.  I'm a HUGE to-do list person, and I really struggle to feel happy with myself unless I get big things done each day, which really isn't always possible now.  To be honest, some days if I have the energy and time to take a shower, get dressed, and make dinner then that's a BIG thing.  I want to shift my focus to being okay and happy with little successes.  Also, to appreciate my time spent with Ivy--playing, teaching, learning, cleaning up, feeding, etc.  Those are now MY big things.  That is where I want to find my joy and success.  And I know it's there--it will just take me some time to figure out how to find it more easily.

Today's joyful mommy moment:
I found so much joy in watching Ivy eat this evening.  We took her to a WAMII dinner tonight and the only way we could keep her quiet during the speakers was to give her little bites of fruit the whole time.  She would get really excited as the fork-speared-fruit approached--she stood on her tippy toes in the high chair and leaned as far as she could to get the food even faster.  it was just darling.  As this was going on, I reflected on how this could potentially be a crazy stressful night.  In fact, even just a few months ago, it would have been.  I'm slooooooowly figuring out how to let Ivy be messy, how to roll with the punches, and how to not stress the little things. well, okay. like...reeeealllyyy slowly--its not every day that I feel like I have a grasp on it yet.  So, yay.  Joy that tonight wasn't stressful.  Joy that today I was okay with her being noisy in public.  Joy that Ivy ate her fruit bites with vigor and I could revel in her love of life and food and applause and watching people around her.  Joy that I get to watch her love things.  And that I get to love her.