Sunday, October 18, 2015

day four: be mindful

today was the PERFECT day for a facebook fast.  last night i got sucked into a stupid troll feed about feminism and i seriously just couldnt handle it (bahhh. how can you rest when you know there's still stupid out there!!??).  anyway, a break from that drAma was magnificent.  not only that, but we had great plans for our Saturday and I feel like i was able to get more done and be more in the moment when I wasn't checking my phone every second to see what other people were up to.  i spent my day with my man and my babe and it was marvelous. for example:

check out this pie i made.

check out this farm we went to.

check out how happy my babe is all covered in dried peas.

(seriously though. best invention of all time. i don't know why this hasn't been a thing ever before)

and to top off the night i finally got my hairs did. by me. woot.

i've been trying to spend less time on facebook in my daily life anyway, so i'm hoping this can act like a re-set button for that.  i would love to spend more of my mommy time interacting with Ivy, or at least modeling behaviors that I want her to emulate (like cleaning the house, or reading a book) instead of being glued to my phone.  Andrew and I have set up a phone station across the room from our bed, so that when we get in bed at night to sleep we are off our phones completely.  That has been a huge help for our sleep hygiene and our relationship, and I'm thinking about doing something similar during the day to see how that influences me to be a more patient and attentive mom.

joyful mom moments abounded today!!  but really, all i need to do is refer you to the picture of Ivy above.  She could not get enough of these dried peas and they could not get enough of her.  She layed in them.  She wiggled in them.  She threw them. She tasted them. She spit them out.  She swallowed some.  She plopped in them.  She face-planted in them.  She laughed in them.  She made friends in them.  I can't wait to go back and watch her do it all again.  Seeing her discover the world around her is so invigorating.  It makes me want to squeeze her.  Which I do, of course.  Every chance I get.

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