Thursday, April 3, 2014

dear raspberry: your life so far

christmas 2013:

andrew tells me that we have a doctors appointment in January....surprise!  we are finally getting out the IMPLANON so we can start making babies!!

January 10th, 2014:

IMPLANON out--i didn't pass out (barely), the bruising is basically non-existent, and the healing process is fast. halla!

January-beginning of February:

baby making.

February 14th:

Valentines day!

February 21st:

Happy 23rd Andrew!

end of February-March:

the flu. a cold. then...the flu again...? hmmmm.... looks like it's time to figure out why i'm so sick....

March 4th:

successful home pregnancy! aiiiiiieeeee!

I taped it to the bathroom mirror and wrote "guess who made a baby?" for andrew to find when he got home.  his only words were "shut up shut up shut up! for real???"

ps. i'm still sick. all the time.

March 7th:

the doctor gives me magic pills to relieve the nausea and i'm finally a human again!  Andrew's so happy to have his wife back and i'm happy that i am alive enough to get out of bed and...clean the house?

March 14th-22nd:

Spring Break!!!  after a loooong drive across Wyoming, the corner of Utah, Idaho, and Oregon, we finally reach the coast and spend a week with Mike and Sarah Hess (and baby Genelle).  despite the ever present morning sickness (the WORST joke of a name ever) i'm able to enjoy the time with our wonderful friends and dream about being your mommy.

March 28th:

our little raspberry is 8 weeks and 2 days old.  we get to see the heartbeat and take home a cute little picture to hang on our fridge :)


March 28th: evening

grandma and grandpa (weird!) larson come to visit for their spring break and are greeted by your little bootie picture on our fridge.  mom cries, dad looks shocked, and julia and isaac were thrilled to be in on the secret (24 whole hours before their parents).

the next week is spent hanging out with the larsons and doing "whatever the baby wants" (eating pizza, going to a movie, playing games.... ;)

morning sickness gets worse and i start to throw up almost every day (the afternoons and evenings seem to be the worst).  i hate this part of being pregnant, but seeing your cute little raspberry bottom helps to remind me that it's gonna be worth it.

i can't wait to be able to say you're the size of a strawberry!

April 1st:

i consider telling people that we are growing a tiny human, but know that no one will believe i'm not a huge fan of april fool's day.  so instead i just have a normal day and think about you a lot.

April 3rd:

in just a few days you will be 10 weeks old!  i checked online and they say you're the size of a kumquat...or a prune.  i'll just say you've graduated to a small.ish strawberry.

but a super cute one.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

let's just all be kids again

once upon a time a little girl grew up and forgot the simple beauty in life's daily treasures.
thank you mister luke for reminding me the joy in EVERYTHING.
some examples:

can't get over 'em.

dear bugle chip makers-
why do these fit so perfectly on baby fingers?
and why is it so hilarious?
no, wait. don't tell me.
it is simply enough to note that you are a genius.
thank you. 

laundry day?
why, yes please.
let me just play in this fort while you dry, dear blanket.
i love you.

the end.

Monday, February 24, 2014

boxes i long to check

i am a list person.
if you know me at all--this, you know.

if you don't know me...then show me a list and i'll probably be your best friend.
unless you're lists are better than mine. then i might just be jealous.

one list that i tend to make...and then lose, is my bucket list.
so, since i can't sleep, i decided to finally immortalize my bucket list here. on my blog. for my future reference and for the better chance of non-losing-ness.

so here it is kids. wish me luck

1. play with a baby elephant.
2. make the perfect french macaroon.
3. go skydiving.
4. ride an elephant.
5. learn how to blow glass.
6. sew a prom dress for one of my daughters.
7. this should probably happen before number six...have babies!
8. learn how to decorate cakes (like real, magical looking ones)
9. own a goat.
10. make goat cheese.
11. go on a backpacking trip.
12. run a half marathon.
13. eat sushi in japan.
14. do a headstand on my own.
15. learn how to knit.
16. change someone's life.
17. go canyoneering.
18. get a masters or phD.
19. sell a painting.
20. catch a real fish when i go fishing (remind me to tell you the story behind this one...)
21. hike a really tall mountain.
22. see/touch/hug a giant redwood tree.
23. sleep in a tree for at least one night.
24. learn how to make the perfect pita (with a pocket!)
25. make a quilt.
26. feed cheetos to a wild monkey.
27. eat alligator meat.
28. go snorkeling.
29. be part of a flash dance.

*note* this will be an ever-growing list as I add things and check them off.  let me know if there's something you think i should add to my list!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

post-valentines day reflection


So it's over.

The day of love and cupids and super high expectations.

And you know what i learned from v-day this year?  That i'm pretty hard-core awesome.

But seriously, check out this sock bouquet i made for my lover:

Photo: Here is the sock bouquet!!!

yeah. okay. now you think i'm awesome too ;)